
The CONCAT() function is used to concatenate one or more input values into a single result. It supports all data types in Oxla, except TIMESTAMPTZ, and the output will be returned as a concatenation of the input values.

💡Special cases: Returns NULL if there are no input rows or NULL values.


Case 1: Basic CONCAT() function

The below example uses the CONCAT() function to concatenate three values = into a single result:

SELECT CONCAT ('Oxla', '.', 'com') AS "Website";

The final result will be as follows:

| Website    |
| Oxla.com   |

Case 2: CONCAT() function using column

We have an example of a payment table that stores customer payment data.

CREATE TABLE payment (
  paymentid int,
  custFirstName text,
  custLastName text,
  product text,
  ordertotal int
    (paymentid, custFirstName, custLastName, product, ordertotal)
SELECT * FROM payment;

The above query will display the following table:

| paymentid  | custFirstName  | custLastName   | product      | ordertotal    |
| 9557451    | Alex           | Drue           | Latte        | 2.10          |
| 9557421    | Lana           | Rey            | Latte        | 2.10          |
| 9557411    | Tom            | Hanks          | Americano    | 1.85          |
| 9557351    | Maya           | Taylor         | Cappuccino   | 2.45          |
| 9557321    | Smith          | Jay            | Cappuccino   | 2.45          |
| 9557311    | Will           | Ritchie        | Americano    | 1.85          |

The following query will concatenate values in the custFirstName and custLastName columns of the payment table:

SELECT CONCAT  (custFirstName, ' ', custLastName) AS "Customer Name"
FROM payment;

It will display an output where spaces separate the first and last names.

| Customer Name   |
| Tom Hanks       |
| Lana Rey        |
| Alex Drue       |
| Will Ritchie    |
| Smith Jay       |
| Maya Taylor     |

Case 3: CONCAT() function with NULL

We use the CONCAT() function in the following example to concatenate a string with a NULL value:

SELECT CONCAT('Talent Source ',NULL) AS "concat";

The result shows that the CONCAT function will skip the NULL value:

| concat           |
| Talent Source    |