
The DELETE mutation deletes one or more records from a table based on specified conditions. This support has limitations:

  • Only one data mutation (DELETE or UPDATE) at a given moment is possible, trying to run another one will fail.
  • Data mutations rewrite all files containing the data from the UPDATE/DELETE condition. Running DELETE from the table without any condition is possible, but it will be much slower than the DROP TABLE table.
  • The syntax is simplified in comparison to Postgres. For example, the SET column=<value> operation doesn’t support sub-SELECT as the value, and the WHERE clause cannot contain sub-SELECT.


The syntax for DELETE mutation is as follows:

WHERE conditions;

In this syntax:

  • table: The table name from which you want to delete records.
  • WHERE conditions (Optional): The conditions must be met for the deletion to execute. If no conditions are provided, all records from the table will be deleted.


  1. Let’s create a sample table named orders that track customer orders.
    order_id INT,
    customer_name TEXT,
    product_id INT,
    quantity INT,
    order_status TEXT

INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_name, product_id, quantity, order_status)
    (101, 'Alice Johnson', 1, 3, 'shipped'),
    (102, 'Bob Smith', 2, 1, 'pending'),
    (103, 'Charlie Brown', 3, 2, 'completed'),
    (104, 'David White', 1, 1, 'pending'),
    (105, 'Eva Davis', 4, 4, 'shipped');
  1. This creates a table named orders and inserts some sample data.
SELECT * FROM orders;
  1. You’ll get the following table:
 order_id | customer_name | product_id | quantity | order_status 
      101 | Alice Johnson |          1 |        3 | shipped
      102 | Bob Smith     |          2 |        1 | pending
      103 | Charlie Brown |          3 |        2 | completed
      104 | David White   |          1 |        1 | pending
      105 | Eva Davis     |          4 |        4 | shipped
  1. Let’s say we want to delete orders with a quantity less than or equal to 2.
WHERE quantity <= 2;
  1. The output shows that the order with order_id: 102, 103, and 104 are deleted because they have a quantity less than 2.
 order_id | customer_name | product_id | quantity | order_status 
      101 | Alice Johnson |          1 |        3 | shipped
      105 | Eva Davis     |          4 |        4 | shipped